Wilton School of Cake Decorating

Are you ready to unlock your inner cake artist? Look no further than the prestigious Wilton School of Cake Decorating. With a rich history and a reputation for excellence, this renowned institution is the perfect place for aspiring cake decorators to learn and hone their skills.

In this article, we will delve into the artistry that awaits you at the Wilton School of Cake Decorating, exploring its origins, courses offered, world-class instructors, state-of-the-art facilities, success stories from alumni, community and networking opportunities, as well as testimonials from satisfied students. Get ready to embark on an exciting journey in the world of cake decorating with Wilton.

Established with a vision to create exceptional cake decorators around the globe, the Wilton School of Cake Decorating has been a leader in the industry for years. By combining artistic creativity with technical expertise, the school offers a comprehensive learning experience like no other.

Learning cake decorating at Wilton goes beyond just mastering techniques – it is about discovering your own unique style and expressing your artistry through cakes. Whether you are an absolute beginner or an experienced decorator looking to enhance your skills, this institution provides an ideal platform to grow your talent.

At Wilton School of Cake Decorating, students have access to a wide range of courses designed to cater to different skill levels and interests. From basic courses introducing fundamental techniques such as piping and fondant work, to advanced classes focusing on intricate designs and elaborate structures, there is something for everyone.

The curriculum not only covers technical aspects but also delves into design principles and creative thinking. Plus, with flexible scheduling options including in-person and online classes, students can easily fit their education around their busy lives.

Embarking on your cake decorating journey at the Wilton School means learning from some of the most respected professionals in the industry. The instructors at Wilton bring a wealth of experience and expertise to their teaching role.

With their guidance and invaluable insights gained from years of working in the industry, students are equipped with practical knowledge and insider tips that can only come from those who have mastered the art. Learning directly from industry professionals not only accelerates skill development but also fosters a deeper understanding and appreciation for the craft.

Whether you dream of baking dazzling wedding cakes or creating intricate designs for special occasions, the Wilton School of Cake Decorating has everything you need to make your aspirations a reality. With its prestigious reputation, diverse course offerings, world-class instructors, state-of-the-art facilities, and opportunities for community involvement and networking, this institution provides an enriching experience like no other. Join us as we explore the wonders of cake decorating at Wilton – your artistic journey awaits.

History of the Wilton School of Cake Decorating

The Wilton School of Cake Decorating has a rich history that spans several decades. Established in the 1920s, the school was founded by Dewey McKinley Wilton with the vision of providing high-quality cake decorating education to aspiring bakers and decorators. What started as a small operation quickly grew into a renowned institution that has shaped the world of cake decorating.

Dewey McKinley Wilton, a talented baker himself, recognized the need for proper training and education in cake decorating. He believed that by sharing his knowledge and techniques with others, he could inspire creativity and elevate the art form. With this mission in mind, Wilton School of Cake Decorating was born.

Throughout its history, the Wilton School has achieved numerous milestones and made significant contributions to the cake decorating industry. In 1957, it introduced the first-ever standardized shape pan, revolutionizing cake baking and decorating. The school also pioneered many innovative techniques such as buttercream piping and gum paste flowers.

Over the years, Wilton School of Cake Decorating has continued to evolve and adapt to changing trends and technologies in the industry. It prides itself on staying at the forefront of innovation while preserving traditional methods and skills. Today, it remains one of the most prestigious institutions for cake decorating education, welcoming students from all over the world to learn from its esteemed instructors.

The legacy of the Wilton School of Cake Decorating is built on a strong foundation of passion for the artistry of cake decoration, dedication to excellence in teaching, and a commitment to empowering individuals with skills that will last a lifetime. Whether you are an aspiring professional looking to launch a career or simply someone who wants to explore their creativity through cake design, enrolling in courses at this historic institution is an opportunity not to be missed.

Courses Offered at Wilton School of Cake Decorating

Overview of Courses

At the Wilton School of Cake Decorating, there are a wide range of courses available to suit various skill levels and interests. Whether you are a beginner looking to learn the basics or an experienced decorator aiming to enhance your skills, the school has something for everyone. The courses offered cover a diverse range of techniques and styles, ensuring that students receive a comprehensive education in cake decorating.

Curriculum and Techniques Covered

Each course at the Wilton School of Cake Decorating is carefully designed to provide students with a solid foundation in cake decorating. From basic buttercream piping to advanced fondant creations, the curriculum covers a variety of techniques. Students will learn how to create intricate designs, work with different types of icing, master color blending, and much more.

Throughout the courses, students will have hands-on practice with real cakes, allowing them to apply what they have learned in a practical setting. They will also have access to step-by-step demonstrations by experienced instructors who are always available to guide and provide feedback.

Flexibility and Accessibility

One major advantage of the Wilton School’s courses is their flexibility and accessibility. The school offers both in-person classes at their location as well as online courses for those who prefer learning from home or have scheduling constraints. This flexibility allows individuals from all over the world to access high-quality instruction and pursue their passion for cake decorating.

The courses are available in different formats including short workshops as well as longer programs that span weeks or months. This ensures that students can find a course that fits their needs and desired level of expertise.

Whether you choose an on-site class or prefer learning online, you can be confident knowing that you’re receiving top-notch instruction from industry professionals at the Wilton School of Cake Decorating.

World-class Instructors at Wilton School of Cake Decorating

At Wilton School of Cake Decorating, students have the opportunity to learn from world-class instructors who are highly skilled in the art of cake decorating. These instructors bring a wealth of experience and expertise to their teaching, ensuring that students receive top-notch instruction and guidance.

One such instructor is Chef Lisa Mansour, who has been a part of Wilton for over 20 years. With her extensive knowledge and passion for cake decorating, Chef Lisa has become a renowned figure in the industry. She has been featured on various television shows and has even served as a judge on cake competitions. Students at Wilton can learn from her expertise in areas such as fondant work, sugar flowers, and advanced decoration techniques.

M&m Decorated Cake

Another notable instructor at Wilton is Chef Beth Somers. With a background in pastry arts and baking education, Chef Beth brings a unique perspective to her teaching. She specializes in teaching beginner-level courses, making them accessible and enjoyable for students who are just starting their cake decorating journey. Her patience and passion for teaching create an encouraging and supportive learning environment.

In addition to Chef Lisa Mansour and Chef Beth Somers, Wilton School of Cake Decorating boasts an impressive roster of instructors from diverse backgrounds. Each instructor brings their own style and expertise to the classroom, offering students a well-rounded education in cake decorating techniques.

Below is some relevant information on two instructors at the Wilton School:


NameSpecializationYears of Experience
Chef Lisa MansourFondant work, Sugar flowers, Advanced decoration techniquesOver 20 years
Chef Beth SomersBeginner-level courses, Pastry arts, Baking education10 years

Learning from industry professionals like these instructors not only provides students with valuable knowledge and skills but also exposes them to the latest trends and techniques in cake decorating. By learning from these world-class instructors at Wilton School of Cake Decorating, students can be confident that they are receiving top-notch instruction that will prepare them for success in the cake decorating industry.

State-of-the-Art Facilities and Resources at Wilton School of Cake Decorating

The Wilton School of Cake Decorating is not only known for its prestigious reputation and excellent instructors, but also for its state-of-the-art facilities and resources. As a student at the Wilton School, you will have access to modern facilities that are designed to enhance your learning experience and help you explore your creativity.

One of the highlights of the school’s facilities is its well-equipped kitchens. Each classroom is equipped with top-of-the-line appliances, spacious workstations, and a wide range of tools and equipment needed for cake decorating. Whether you are a beginner or an advanced student, you will have everything you need to create stunning cakes.

In addition to the kitchens, the Wilton School also provides students with access to cutting-edge tools and equipment. From professional-grade mixers and piping bags to specialized carving tools and airbrush machines, you will have all the resources necessary to bring your cake designs to life. The school stays up-to-date with the latest trends in cake decoration techniques and invests in modern equipment, ensuring that students are equipped with state-of-the-art tools.

Furthermore, the Wilton School offers a variety of resources for students to practice their skills outside of class time. These resources include a fully stocked library with books on cake decorating techniques, design inspiration, and business guidance. The school also provides access to online forums and communities where students can connect with fellow cake decorators from around the world, share their creations, ask questions, and receive feedback.

By choosing the Wilton School of Cake Decorating, you not only gain access to world-class instructors but also have the opportunity to work in state-of-the-art facilities using cutting-edge tools and resources. These facilities are designed to foster creativity and provide an immersive learning environment for aspiring cake decorators. With these remarkable resources at your disposal, you will be well-equipped to embark on your cake artistic journey at Wilton School.

Success Stories from Wilton School of Cake Decorating Alumni

Inspiring Stories of Success

The Wilton School of Cake Decorating takes great pride in the success stories of its alumni. Many individuals who have graduated from the school have gone on to accomplish remarkable achievements in the cake decorating industry. These success stories serve as a testament to the quality education and training provided at the Wilton School.

One notable success story is that of Amy Smith, who graduated from the Wilton School and now operates her own thriving cake decorating business. Amy’s passion for cake decorating was ignited during her time at the school, where she learned invaluable techniques and gained confidence in her artistic abilities. Since graduating, Amy has been recognized with several awards for her innovative designs and impressive attention to detail.

Another inspiring alumnus is John Johnson, who successfully transitioned from a career in engineering to become a professional cake decorator. Through the comprehensive curriculum offered at the Wilton School, John developed a strong foundation in cake design and honed his skills alongside some of the industry’s top professionals. Today, John owns a successful bakery where he creates stunning custom cakes for weddings, birthdays, and special events.

How Wilton School Contributed to their Success

The education and training provided by the Wilton School played a pivotal role in these success stories. The school’s experienced instructors not only taught technical skills but also instilled a sense of creativity and encouraged students to push their boundaries.

Both Amy and John credit their instructors at the Wilton School for inspiring them to explore new techniques and think outside of traditional cake decorating norms. The hands-on learning environment provided by the school allowed them to practice what they learned and receive valuable feedback from experienced professionals.

Additionally, being part of the vibrant community at the Wilton School gave both Amy and John opportunities to network with other aspiring decorators and industry experts. This networking helped them establish connections within the industry and opened doors to various career opportunities.

Opportunities for Future Success

These success stories from Wilton School of Cake Decorating alumni demonstrate the transformative power of the education and training offered by the institution. For those aspiring to a career in cake decorating, enrolling at the Wilton School presents endless opportunities for future success.

By learning from highly skilled instructors, gaining hands-on experience with state-of-the-art tools and equipment, and being part of a supportive community, students at the Wilton School are equipped with the tools they need to turn their passion into a lucrative profession. The school’s emphasis on technical mastery combined with artistic expression prepares students to meet industry demands and excel in their chosen careers.

Whether one dreams of owning their own bakery or working in a high-end cake design studio, the Wilton School of Cake Decorating provides a solid foundation upon which to build a successful career. With its rich history, prestigious reputation, and commitment to excellence, choosing the Wilton School as a starting point for one’s cake artistic journey is an investment in future success.

Community and Networking Opportunities at Wilton School of Cake Decorating

At the Wilton School of Cake Decorating, students not only have the opportunity to master their cake decorating skills, but also become part of a vibrant and supportive community. The school fosters a sense of camaraderie among students and instructors, creating a nurturing environment for aspiring cake artists.

One of the ways in which Wilton School promotes community building is through various events and competitions organized by the school. These events provide opportunities for students to showcase their talents, learn from each other, and build connections within the industry. Whether it’s a cake decorating contest or a collaborative workshop, these events encourage collaboration and foster a sense of healthy competition among students.

Networking is another valuable aspect of being part of the Wilton School community. Students have the chance to connect with fellow cake enthusiasts from diverse backgrounds and experiences. By engaging with a network of like-minded individuals, students can gain insights from different perspectives, discover new trends in cake decorating, and potentially even collaborate on creative projects.

How to Decorate a Vegan Cake

In addition to these formal networking opportunities, the school also facilitates informal interactions through shared spaces such as student lounges or online forums where students can connect and share their experiences. This allows for ongoing support beyond formal classes and creates opportunities for mentorship and friendships to flourish.

The sense of community at Wilton School extends beyond graduation as well. Alumni often remain connected to the institution through alumni networks or social media groups where they continue to exchange ideas, offer support, and celebrate each other’s achievements. This continued connection provides valuable support and resources as artists progress in their careers.

Being part of this close-knit community at Wilton School not only enhances the learning experience but also provides invaluable opportunities for personal growth, professional development, and lifelong friendships. So whether you’re just starting your cake artistic journey or looking to take your skills to new heights, joining the Wilton School of Cake Decorating will help you become part of a tight-knit community that supports your passion for creating edible masterpieces.

Testimonials and Feedback from Wilton School of Cake Decorating Students

At the Wilton School of Cake Decorating, students have consistently praised the outstanding education and training they receive. The school has earned a reputation for excellence in cake decorating, and this is reflected in the positive testimonials and feedback from its students.

One student, Emily Thompson, commented, “I had always been passionate about cakes and baking, but it was at the Wilton School that I truly found my calling. The instructors were incredibly knowledgeable and supportive, guiding me through each step of the decorating process. I learned invaluable skills that have helped me excel in my career as a professional cake decorator”.

In addition to the skilled instructors, students also appreciate the hands-on approach to learning at the Wilton School. Sarah Johnson shared her experience saying, “The courses at the Wilton School were not only informative but also interactive. We had plenty of opportunities to practice what we learned and apply our skills in real-life scenarios. This practical experience made all the difference in building my confidence as a cake decorator”.

The positive feedback from students at the Wilton School is not limited to their educational experience alone. Many students also praise the supportive community they become a part of during their time at the school. Samantha Lee said, “The atmosphere at the Wilton School is truly welcoming and encouraging.

I made lifelong friends with fellow students who share my passion for cake decorating. We continue to support each other even after graduation and it’s incredible to network with others who are just as enthusiastic about this art form”.

Overall, these testimonials reflect how students value their education at the Wilton School of Cake Decorating. From knowledgeable instructors to practical hands-on training and a supportive community, students consistently report a rewarding experience that prepares them for success in their cake artistic journey.

TestimonialStudent Name
“I had always been passionate about cakes and baking, but it was at the Wilton School that I truly found my calling. The instructors were incredibly knowledgeable and supportive, guiding me through each step of the decorating process. I learned invaluable skills that have helped me excel in my career as a professional cake decorator.”Emily Thompson
“The courses at the Wilton School were not only informative but also interactive. We had plenty of opportunities to practice what we learned and apply our skills in real-life scenarios. This practical experience made all the difference in building my confidence as a cake decorator.”Sarah Johnson
“The atmosphere at the Wilton School is truly welcoming and encouraging. I made lifelong friends with fellow students who share my passion for cake decorating. We continue to support each other even after graduation and it’s incredible to network with others who are just as enthusiastic about this art form.”Samantha Lee


In conclusion, the Wilton School of Cake Decorating is truly a destination for any individual wanting to embark on a cake artistic journey. With its prestigious reputation and long history of excellence, this school offers numerous benefits for those interested in learning the art of cake decorating. From world-class instructors to state-of-the-art facilities and resources, students will have access to top-notch education and training.

One of the key advantages of choosing the Wilton School is its wide range of courses available. Whether you are a beginner looking to learn the basics or an experienced decorator wanting to expand your skills, there is a course that suits your needs. The curriculum covers various techniques, ensuring that students gain a comprehensive understanding of cake decorating.

Additionally, learning from highly skilled instructors who have years of experience in the industry is invaluable. Their expertise and guidance will undoubtedly enhance your learning journey and prepare you for success in the field. Furthermore, the sense of community among students and instructors fosters an environment that encourages collaboration and networking opportunities.

Frequently Asked Questions

What happened to Wilton cake decorating?

Wilton cake decorating, a renowned company in the baking industry, went through some significant changes in recent years. In 2019, the company filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection due to financial difficulties.

As part of the reorganization process, Wilton Brands LLC sold its domestic and international consumer products portfolio to Focus Brands Inc., a holding company that specializes in foodservice franchises. This sale allowed Wilton to focus on its core business of baking tools and accessories, ensuring the continuity of their cake decorating legacy.

Is there a masterclass for cake decorating?

Yes, there is a masterclass available for cake decorating, and Wilton offers one called “The Wilton Method®.” It is an extensive program designed to teach aspiring decorators various techniques and skills needed to create beautifully decorated cakes.

The masterclass covers topics such as working with buttercream frosting, piping techniques, fondant application, creating gum paste flowers, and much more. The classes are suitable for beginners looking to explore cake decorating as well as experienced decorators seeking to enhance their skills further.

What is the Wilton method of cake decorating?

The Wilton Method of cake decorating is a specific approach developed by Wilton that provides detailed guidance on creating stunning cakes through specific techniques and knowledge of various mediums like buttercream frosting and fondant. It emphasizes the importance of using quality ingredients while focusing on correct execution and attention to detail.

The method includes steps such as leveling cakes for even layers, crumb coating with buttercream before applying a final coat, using different piping techniques for borders or designs, utilizing molds for fondant decorations or delicate sugar flowers, and employing other helpful tools commonly used in professional cake decorating. Overall, the Wilton Method aims to equip enthusiasts with the necessary skills and knowledge needed to achieve impressive results when it comes to cake decoration.

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